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Nov 29 2021


On 29 October, a NATO task group set sail in the Mediterranean Sea as part of NATO's maritime security operation, Operation Sea Guardian (OSG) 

The Hellenic Navy frigate HS Spetsai (flagship) and the Bulgarian Navy frigate BGS Drazki was supported by submarines from Greece and Turkey. Aircrafts from Greece, Turkey and US will also supported to the patrols

NATO's Operation Sea Guardian remains one of the most important tools for NATO to increase cooperation and interoperability in the Mediterranean Sea with Allies and Partner nations, and to enhance capacity building in the frame of maritime security. These focused patrols contribute towards maintaining maritime situational awareness, deterring terrorism and improving capacity building efforts in the Mediterranean Sea_nato4

It focused mainly on gathering information about maritime activities in the international waters encompassing a wide range of threats as well as shipping pattern-of-life, alongside enhancing partnerships in the area and assuring readiness to counter terrorism threats at sea.

Operation Sea Guardian is a non-Article 5 maritime security operation of NATO aimed at working with Mediterranean stakeholders to maintain maritime situational awareness, deter and counter terrorism and enhance capacity building.


This Operation remains one of the most important tools for NATO projecting stability throughout the Mediterranean Sea and sustaining maritime situational awareness. Focused patrols of NATO's Operation Sea Guardian help NATO maintain an accurate maritime picture of daily activity in the focused areas of the Mediterranean Sea and is a great opportunity to increase cooperation and interoperability.


During their focused patrols in the Eastern Mediterranean Hellenic Navy frigate HS Spetsai and Bulgarian Navy frigate Drazki paid a visit to Haifa  Sea. For the fourth consecutive year, NATO's Operation Sea Guardian (OSG) exercises with the Israeli Navy to develop interoperability and to reinforce its cooperation around maritime security.


These exercises enabled to practice of several maneuvers and procedures at sea linked to the interoperability in the conduction of maritime security operations.

During the second iteration, a scenario involving simulated life-threatening accidents with crew aboard NATO ships triggered an urgent medical evacuation to a nearby hospital. This serial enabled to exercise of maritime medical support in the Eastern region of the Mediterranean Sea.

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